How to make Leather Potion Vial Holders
I suggest using a 4oz to 5oz veg tan leather. You'll also need two 1/2" buckles, and one 5/8" buckle.
The bottles I use are 40ml and 20ml cylindrical glass.

Leather Patterns for Vial Belt Holders.
Printable PDF leather patterns for potion or tincture bottle holders that go on your belt. Just tape the pattern to your leather, punch the marked holes, and sew while following along with the video. The bottles are available in a separate listing.
Leather Vial Holder KIT
Easy DIY leathercrafting KIT for leather potion vial holders that attach to your belt. Great accessories for when your going to the renaissance fair, cosplay, pirate, steampunk, medieval, or LARP events. Make sure you're ready for anything by keeping your potions and tinctures close at hand! Simple fun leather craft kit with all the parts, stitching holes, bottles, buckles, needles, and thread ready to go!
Glass Potion Bottle Vial Set
Glass potion bottle vials for my pattern and video (shown in picture above). I'm offering them here for your convenience. However, they are also available through Amazon and places like eBay for cheaper and in bulk. Each set comes with three 20ml bottles and one 40ml bottle.