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  • Leatherworking Products

    From leather patterns for beginners, to advanced leather working products. Construction and tooling instructional sets, crafting materials and supplies.

  • Free Videos

    Can’t make it to one of Tony’s workshops? His videos are the next best thing. Learn how to make a diorama from leather dust, or follow along with one of his many great leather patterns.

  • Tony's Portfolio

    A selection of work from multiple World Leather Debut award winning artist Tony Allen Bernier. Setting new levels of artistry while mastering the ancient profession of leatherworking.

  • Leatherworking Classes

    Full range of leather workshops. Whether your beginning your leather crafting journey or an advance leather worker. Group and private classes are also scheduled by request.

  • Free Leather patterns

    Free downloadable leathercraft PDF patterns. Including instructional videos and tutorials that walk you through the process step by step.